all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 5AA 15 4 53.726974 -2.692454
PR5 5AB 42 2 53.727502 -2.688037
PR5 5AD 36 1 53.726984 -2.687543
PR5 5AE 34 6 53.727255 -2.68377
PR5 5AF 40 0 53.732177 -2.686294
PR5 5AG 9 0 53.726509 -2.685701
PR5 5AH 29 2 53.727531 -2.679898
PR5 5AJ 29 0 53.727189 -2.680044
PR5 5AN 33 0 53.728824 -2.689498
PR5 5AP 25 1 53.728548 -2.689054
PR5 5AQ 18 0 53.730624 -2.687527
PR5 5AR 32 4 53.729881 -2.687045
PR5 5AS 13 1 53.729231 -2.685913
PR5 5AT 14 0 53.728456 -2.686385
PR5 5AU 28 0 53.729181 -2.686897
PR5 5AX 8 0 53.727861 -2.685087
PR5 5AY 30 0 53.728174 -2.683682
PR5 5BA 33 0 53.728161 -2.686001
PR5 5BB 18 0 53.728169 -2.687805
PR5 5BD 10 0 53.72687 -2.679145